周臣儒等-中国石油大学(华东)-Experimental Investigation on the Interaction Forces between methane hydrate particl


Session 4 - Oral 6

Experimental Investigation on the Interaction Forces between methane hydrate particles and water droplets

Zhou Chenru,Li Mingzhong,Liu Chenwei

College of Petroleum Engineering, China university of petroleum, Qingdao, Shandong, China

Abstract: The interactions between methane hydrate particles and unconverted droplets play a key role in hydrate agglomeration, which have been relatively unexplored. In this study, the SI methane hydrate particle-droplet interactions in gas phase were initially measured using a custom-built high pressure micro mechanical force device (HP-MMF). The experimental temperature was set at 1.7°C and the pressures was ranged from 3.37 MPa to 6.28 MPa. The results show that the hydrate particle-droplet adhesion forces increased significantly with subcooling and contact time. At the condition of low subcooling and short contact time, the capillary force dominate the adhesion and interaction force is about 96.6±21.3mN/m. With the increase of subcooling or contact time, the solidification of droplet leads to the capillary force and tensile strength of hydrate shell dominate the interaction in turn. Along with the completely solidification of droplet at high subcooling or long contact time, the sintered hydrate-hydrate adhesion dominates the interaction. The adhesion force become much higher, which is up to 2297.35±214.73mN/m. The study in this work is of great significance for understanding the mechanism of hydrate agglomeration in real high-pressure pipeline.

Keywords: hydrate agglomeration,methane hydrate,interaction force ,solidification,contact time

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